The US needs to back down from their hypocritical stance on nuclear weapons. Not only is the current situation sub-optimal from a security standpoint, it is undermining their ability to negotiate with countries like Iran and North Korea. Insisting that Iran dismantle its nuclear weapons program while having tens of thousands of nukes in our country, armed and ready, is absurd. I think the best carrot we can offer to Iran and other countries regarding nuclear weapons is that if they agree to curb production, then so will we, not only curbing production, but actually dismantling warheads.
Just today, a Swedish-sponsored United Nations report, introduced by none other than former Iraq weapons inspector Hans Blix, said that the US was seriously undermining the cause of nuclear non-proliferation. It has withdrawn from the 1972 ABM treaty and has not ratified the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. It has also proven unwilling to reduce the number of warheads it operates. Here's a luminary quote from Blix that I very much agree with:
Weapons of mass destruction cannot be uninvented. But they can be outlawed, as biological and chemical weapons already have been, and their use made unthinkable.Bravo. This issue doesn't seem to be getting much attention these days. But with the Iran issue up and coming, it may very well.
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